Journal of Ibero-Romance Creoles

Volume 13 (2024)

A note on Borrowing Constraints: The case of Daman Indo-Portuguese adpositions

J. Clancy Clements (Indiana University)

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Daman Indo-Portuguese (DamIP) has a unique feature: the adposition junt ‘with’ appears as a postposition with pronominal objects (dil junt ‘with him’) and as a preposition with full NPs (junt de Paulo ‘with Paulo’). Using three data sources, it is shown that the postposition junt is attested starting in the second half of the 19th century and that it is still found in DamIP narratives from the early 2000s. This feature is significant because it suggests that speakers of DamIP speakers borrowed a structural property (the postposition of an adposition) without having borrowed a postposition from Gujarati (the substrate and adstrate language) that would serve as a model. This is important because it represents a clear counterexample to constraints on borrowing proposed by King (2000) and implied in the contact intensity-sensitive borrowing scale proposed by Thomason & Kaufman (1988).

Keywords: Daman Indo-Portuguese, prepositions, postpositions, structural borrowing, constraints on borrowing